In our modern world, many of us are starting to realize that we aren’t quite as happy as we once were in the chaotic cities ruled by concrete towers. It is for this reason that Douglas Lake has quickly become a tourist hotspot with lush forests which stretch out in the distance, looking like a rolling and tumbling wave of green and brown. Not to mention, while having the feeling of a small town and like you truly are enveloped in the warm embrace of nature, you will still find a variety of activities that will make guests return again and again to experience the quiet tranquility of Douglas Lake rental properties. For this reason, there is no better time than now to make the leap into vacation rental ownership, and we genuinely hope that you will trust Kaizen Rentals with your new home.
Why Should I Invest in Douglas Lake Rental Properties?
We understand better than anyone the stress that can come with making such a large decision; after all, you are investing your livelihood into something. However, while it can come with extra work, (Though, as you will find, we tend to take most of the heavy lifting off your shoulders!) there is no denying the benefits that come with such a purchase. One of the biggest reasons people invest in a vacation home is the financial incentive. You see, a vacation home is almost like a hotel, only that instead of guests staying in a static room void of personality, they get to stay in a place that has been looked over and tended to with all the care and warmth that one would their own home. For this reason, you’ll tend to get guests for short to midterm stays, increasing the number of guests staying per period, thus increasing revenue! Not to mention, many guests return for additional stays in the future. Plus, the more guests that come through your doors, the more people there will be to spread the word! So, from a purely financial standpoint, one can see how owning a vacation home would truly be a great long-term investment.
However, while there is the incentive of the financial nature, there is a deeper, more personal reason that many find great delight in owning and renting out a vacation home. This is that many people realize that when they retire, they don’t want to stay in the city, but rather move on to a place to settle down that is as quiet and relaxing as retirement itself. So, many people rent out their Douglas Lake rental properties while they work, and upon retirement, move to their second home! So, one is not simply investing in a place to score some easy cash, but it is truly a personal investment for the future and the most personal of reasons.
Okay, But Why Kaizen Rentals?
Here at Kaizen Rentals, we understand that a lot can go into owning a vacation home. However, we are here to take as much of that weight off your shoulders as possible. We will not only take care of the majority of the paperwork and filing, but we also help decorate your home to ensure that anyone viewing it will feel their heart fill with yearning at seeing the warm, welcoming atmosphere of your new home. As well, we know what people like, what they don’t, what’s important to them, and what people avoid. That makes us one of the best Tennessee property management companies! This experience will give you the best chance at not only increasing the traffic viewing your home but also create lasting guests which will be coming back again and again. Also, we use a multi-level marketing plan that ensures your rental will have as many eyes upon it as possible.
Further, we understand that this isn’t just an investment; after all, at the end of the day, it is still your home. For this reason, we will treat your new home the same way we would treat ours. You’ll find that the highest of standards are met during every part of the process, from picture selection to marketing to cleaning to federal and state standards. As well, every month you will receive an owner’s report which includes profits, expenses, upkeep costs, etc. Our goal is to be as transparent as possible, and this is one of the ways in which we meet that goal. Finally, this is your home, and you should be able to enjoy it as such; thus, should you ever decide you’d like to spend a week or two in your home, simply block out the days and we’ll do the rest!
If you are ready to experience all that vacation ownership can give, from extra income to a place for you to settle down during your golden years, make sure to give Kaizen Rentals a call today at 865-224-7177!